...Let me go walking...
So yesterday I (Michelle) decided that I wanted to go hiking in the Limeridge Open Space that is right by our house. I have seen some people walking in the hills there for a little while and have been wanting to go. Since I walk around the block at work two times a day for 20 minutes I wanted something that was going to be a little more challenging, a little more uphill. So I went home ate dinner real quick, ran to store to get some things for the house and set off on my little walk. My sister in law Ashlei came along with. Funny because she would say hiking like it was funny because she really doesn't go hiking. Neither do I. I have always loved it though. I remember being in girl scouts, at science camp, on retreat and going for hikes in the woods and loving it. I especially love hikes in the woods near creeks because I find them so peaceful.
So we set out. I had read on-line that there were animals and coyotes in north limeridge so I was going to try and stay on the south side of the ridge. And I didn't want to hike too much in the dark, so we didn't have that long. All in all we hiked for about 45 minutes uphill, it made me feel so accomplished. Just wish I had brought a bottle of water. It was breathtaking up there with the sun setting. I had my phone with me so I took some pictures with my camera phone but next time I think I am going to have to bring my camera to really capture the views.
We got back home and Keith and I watched Gray's Anatomy and the new show Six Degrees of separation. Both were good, Gray's Anatomy is one of our favorites.
The homes in the new Monticieto housing development:
A pretty tree on the upper part of the ridge:
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