The other weekend we took the family to visit with Chris, Julie and family. Usually Darrian is always chasing after Ivy when he is there, and usually doesn't understand that Ivy is several years older and really doesn't have much interest in playing with a 3 year old. This time things were a bit different, Lily and Darrian played together most of the time. I call Chris my cousin, and in my mind I think of him as family. I was raised calling his Mom my Aunt so it just sort of fell into place. Although the good news is we really are not related, and he has three girls and I have three boys :) I am just saying. I always tell Keith I hope our boys marry good woman from nice families, that would be fun if it were one of the girls. Although I am sure since they will grow up together like Chris and I did, and be close.. it will seem gross and odd since they will seem like family. Can't fault us for dreaming.
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Chris built this very cool playhouse, I had playhouse envy :)
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And Ms. Lily. Isn't she lovely? Keith and I were talking on the way home at how grown up she is getting (she is only 8 months younger than Darrian), and Keith said "I know she is such a little lady". I think that describes her to the T. Precious.
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We had a great time. I was talking music with the older girls-- what the what?? I remember when they were D and Lily's age and it doesn't feel that long ago. Quincy fell in love with Julie, and both the boys did really good. The fact that we have 6 kids between us still blows my mind, but I am so glad my boys have them to grow up with.
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