Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Catching up..

I have been seriously lacking in posting. The main reason is I have to get a new photo post processing program since my old one is on the computer that is not working. I am hoping to do this by mid November.

It has been a busy month all around. We went to Apple Hill, Darrian's first field trip, I had some wonderful friends throw me a sprinkle at the start of the month, and we are gearing up for Halloween. Phew. I hope to get all the pictures up soon.

The twins have been growing this month too, so far so good. I had a Dr's appt on the 15th and both are doing really good. I am doing pretty good too. I am uncomfortable but hanging in there. I get really tired by the end of day, and can not do too much in one day. I am trying to take it slower this time than I did with Darrian. If you remember I was working, doing weddings the weekend, and my social life. I don't know how much all that played into him coming 6 weeks early, but I am trying to do better this time and listen to my body more.

I am now 31 weeks and 2 days. Things with me seem to be going okay, my blood pressure is looking good so far (this is right about the time that it started to spike with Darrian) and I have not gained any weight so far this pregnancy. I lost about 20 to start and I have put back on about 8 lbs but still in the negative for now. I have passed two test for gestational diabetes which was a risk with twins which is good.

The twins had a growth ultrasound on Friday and both are doing great. I was waiting for full results from my Dr. but she is on vacation.

Baby A was measuring 31 weeks 4 days (6 days ahead)
Baby B was measuring 31 weeks 4 days (6 days ahead)

Baby A was estimated to weigh 3 lbs 12 oz
Baby B was estimated to weigh 4 lbs 2 oz

I am hoping both will be a bit above 5 lbs. The tech said that baby A has a lot of hair, and baby B has some hair. Baby B is pretty shy.

This time around we are not having a 3D ultrasound. It will be a surprise what they look like. With Darrian I knew right at the ultrasound that he looked just like Keith. I am hoping these two look like Darrian.

We are not any closer on the name front. We have a few we like more than others, but nothing firm yet. Don't blame me this is mainly Keith's fault.

Friday, October 01, 2010

Twins update...

Just a little update with the twins, not many pictures this time. I only got three and two are of baby A because baby B was just not having it. Everything went really well at the appointments, the ultrasound is suppose to last over 1 1/2 hours and only lasted about 45 minutes. The lady was nice but seemed to rush. I had a perinatologist appointment after, this is the high risk pregnancy Doctor (twins automatically put you into that category). He was very happy with everything, babies measured good from the ultrasound, cervix is good, blood pressure was good (TG), gestational diabetes test came back great... he said everything was "perfect". I was on cloud 9. I am headed to 28 weeks (sunday) a big milestone and was worried I would not hit this point. I am happy I did and I am praying I can make it another 9/10 weeks. He mentioned a lot of twin Mom's go out of work at 28 weeks and I expressed that I would like to make it to 32 weeks. We will see how it goes. I am working from home several days in Oct. so that will help, and hopefully work all of Nov. from home.

After I left the appointment I got home and an hour later got a call from the peri nurse. Stating that they wanted me to come back in this past Monday to measure the fluid in Baby B's sac.This could mean a lot of things, none of which is good. I did not understand since the peri checked too and the nurse said that the radiologist put it into the report so the Dr. HAD to be sure and have me come in.

I drank a TON of water over the weekend and spent a lot of it resting. I went to the appointment Monday morning, and talked with the nurse. She said she would look at the fluid first and did and everything was just fine. So they let me go home. A lot of worry for no good reason, but at least it was ok.

Here are some stats, just so you know they are called Baby B and Baby A because Baby A is always closer to the cervix and Baby B is up top. We have yet to pick names, hopefully soon. Keith is picky and I feel a bit disconnected not having names for them.

These were done at 26 weeks 5 days 09/24

Baby A:
2.3 lbs Measuring 27 Weeks heart beat was 151 beats per minute.

Baby B:
2.4 lbs Measuring 27 weeks 1 day, heart beat was 153 beats per minute.

Baby B was waving, and Baby A moves A LOT. She did comment on how they both have long legs.

My next ultrasound is on 10/22, and next Dr. appt. is on 10/15. Fingers crossed it all goes well.
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