Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Little farm (more pics)

A few more pics. :)

A day on the farm

There is this place in the Berkeley hills called Little Farm. It is a little farm (duh) that is free to visitors, and you
get to feed animals. They have several types of animals cows, goats, bunnies, chickens, ducks, and pigs. You can bring celery or lettuce and feed the cows When I was on Thanksgiving vacation I took the boys. I have taken Darrian before but he was not a huge fan of the smell. The twins though they LOVE animals, so I was excited to see their reaction. Miles was besides I am pretty sure he wants a cow for Christmas. Here are these huge animals, and he just walked right up with his celery and fed them. Was reaching through the fence to pet them, and squealing. It was the cutest thing ever. Quincy was this way about the ducks and the chickens. Darrian stayed back from the cows, but likes the bunnies.
We had a great time, the rain stayed away for a bit so we could enjoy it. Can't wait to take them back.

Super bee

Darrian has this thing in his class called Super Bee. It's given to a student each day for showing super behavior. Darrian has gotten it three times now, and each time he is so proud. I am proud of his efforts to do well, and be recognized for it. When you have super bee you write in a journal about what you and super bee did. It is his favorite part, mine too.

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