One of my goals this year is to update the blog more, easier said than done but I am going to try. December and the holidays came and went with a blur. We did manage to get lots of holiday spirit in, and Darrian was really into it this year. We introduced Elf on the Shelf and also a activity advent calendar that was a huge hit. Darrian was asking into Jan. what our number for the day said. We also went to see the school play at our church. We had Christmas Eve dinner at home, set out cookies for Santa, and on Christmas we spent the day with the boys godparents and the girls. I managed to get a few pictures of the boys Christmas morning, the babies actually woke up first and we had to wake Darrian up before they ripped open the gifts without him. :)
Together since 1998, We-do's on a lovely June day in 2003. This blog was created to show what life has been like after we were married, and then after we were blessed with our son Darrian born on 9/14/07. We were shocked to hear we were expecting twin boys, and welcomed Quincy and Miles into our family on 12/10/10. It's been a lot of fun, thanks for joining us on the ride.